Ab 15. Nov. 2006 soll der neue dt. IE7 per Updateservice verteilt werden. Dies kann zu Komplikationen mit bestehenden Applikationen führen. Um die Installation von IE 7 per automatischem Update zu verhindern kann folgendes Script ausgeführt werden:
Speichern als: z.B.: IE70Blocker.cmd @echo off Echo MICROSOFT TOOL KIT TO DISABLE DELIVERY OF Echo MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER 7 Echo. Echo Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Echo. set ProductName=Internet Explorer 7.0 set REGBlockKey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Setup\7.0 set REGBlockValue=DoNotAllowIE70 set RemoteMachine=%1 if ""=="%1" goto Usage if "/?"=="%1" goto Usage if /I "/H"=="%1" goto Usage if /I "/B"=="%1" goto LocalMachine if /I "/U"=="%1" goto LocalMachine set RemoteMachineName=%1 set Action=%2 :Parse if /I "/B" == "%Action%" goto Block if /I "/U" == "%Action%" goto UnBlock goto Usage :Block Echo Blocking deployment of %ProductName% on %RemoteMachineName% REG ADD "\\%RemoteMachine%\%REGBlockKey%" /v %REGBlockValue% /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f goto End :UnBlock Echo Unblocking deployment of %ProductName% on %RemoteMachineName% REG DELETE "\\%RemoteMachine%\%REGBlockKey%" /v %REGBlockValue% /f goto End :LocalMachine set Action=%1 set RemoteMachine=. set RemoteMachineName=the local machine goto Parse :Usage Echo. Echo This tool can be used to remotely block or unblock the delivery of Echo %ProductName% via Automatic Updates. Echo. Echo ------------------------------------------------------------ Echo Usage: Echo %0 [machine name] [/B] [/U] [/H] REM [machine name] [/B|U|H] Echo B = Block %ProductName% deployment Echo U = Allow %ProductName% deployment Echo H = Help Echo. Echo To block or unblock installation on the local machine use Echo period ("." with no quotes) as the machine name Echo. Echo Examples: Echo %0 mymachine /B (blocks delivery on machine "mymachine") Echo. Echo %0 /U (unblocks delivery on the local machine) Echo ------------------------------------------------------------ Echo. :End